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Thought Partners, LLC
Phone 860.910.3500
Make A Difference with Us

Turn Values Into Action

Open the doors to lasting growth and social impact by reframing leadership with us. If you are seeking a more cohesive and inclusive workplace, improved staff and board engagement, increased productivity, confidence, and control, we are here to help. It's a framework that we call the Be READI© Approach: Belonging, Representation, Equity, Accountability, Diversity, and Inclusion. 

Why Partnership?

We don't have clients; we have Partners... because shared goals and mutual growth benefit everyone. Learn more

Who Are Our Partners?

We serve nonprofits, municipalities, educational institutions. Partner with us. Learn more

Your Partnership Matters

Become An Equity Champion

We believe that true transformation starts from within. That's why we're paving the way to the future of belonging through values-based leadership development. We exist to help transform people, practices, and policies, so we create spaces where all voices are heard and everyone thrives. By training leaders from the inside out, we are improving workplaces and communities which gets us all closer to a more inclusive world. 

One leader, one organization at a time.

  • TPS Partners


  • Leaders Served


  • Years In Service


What Our Partners Say...

  • David Rich, President and CEO of The Housing Collective
    David Rich, President and CEO of The Housing Collective

    We've come such a long way since partnering with TPS, and we're so grateful. We have far greater knowledge and a much deeper understanding of equity and inclusion - as individuals, leaders, and thought partners. The work never ends, but we're so proud of how far we've come. We can really see and feel the difference!

  • Linda Blakesly, Manchester Adult Education
    Linda Blakesly, Manchester Adult Education

    It's so powerful when everyone in an organization feels like they can use their voice. We've had the largest amount of engagement that we've ever seen in your sessions. TPS is helping us to build a pipeline with our leaders, teachers, and students. We're so happy to see a shift in the success of our work.

Paving the Way to the Future of Belonging
Thought Partner Solutions
Location #1
Thought Partners, LLC
Phone 860.910.3500