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Location #1
Thought Partners, LLC
Phone 860.910.3500

Who We Are

Our Partners

Collaboration Is Key

We don't have clients; we have Partners. Our Partners are more than just stakeholders; they are collaborators committed to fostering a culture of Belonging, Representation, Equity, Accountability, Diversity, and Inclusion (Be READI©). Together, we work towards creating sustainable social transformation and driving positive impact.

Our Partner Categories
  • Nonprofits
  • Municipalities
  • Educational Institutions
Just a Few of Our Partners:
  • Fulfill, Inc.
  • Manchester Adult Education
  • FHI Studio
  • Sustainable Connecticut
  • Governor's Task Force on Justice for Abused Children
  • NY Annual Conference United Methodist Church
  • Horizons National
  • CT Roundtable for Climate & Jobs
  • The Housing Collective
  • US Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association
  • Norwalk ACTS
  • Town of Manchester
  • City of New London
Thought Partner Solutions
Location #1
Thought Partners, LLC
Phone 860.910.3500