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Location #1
Thought Partners, LLC
Phone 860.910.3500

Who We Are

Our Story

Our "Why"

Founded in 2016, Thought Partner Solutions (TPS) is the embodiment of the life calling of Founder Jamal "JC" Jimerson to create pathways for authentic, lasting social change. JC's passion for inclusivity comes from his lived experience, navigating complex social barriers while simultaneously developing exceptional leadership skills.

With his firsthand experience and a deep understanding of leadership concepts, JC set out to fill a need... to expand the conversation of belonging by connecting leadership concepts that would lead to sustainable organizational transformation.

We're Paving the Way to the Future of Belonging

By 2021, TPS evolved into a boutique consulting firm and a growing network of clients that we call Partners across the country. TPS continues to grow with the same heartbeat it had in 2016.

JC and his team are personally and professionally invested in offering solutions that help to build an inclusive workplace.

After two decades in the nonprofit sector and earning a Master's degree in Business Communications and human services, JC Is now pursuing a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Organizational Innovation. He remains committed to challenging conventional wisdom and bringing a human-centered focus to transforming how nonprofits function.

We Believe Strong Values Lead to a More Equitable World

JC and his team are reframing nonprofit leadership consulting by empowering organizations to create just and inclusive environments through values-based leadership. Favoring a culture that "calls in" individuals rather than calling them out, TPS workshops are warm, creative, interactive spaces where all voices are heard.

TPS believes that all people are 'creative, resourceful, and whole' and that all people have the capacity to evolve and grow. Together with our 'Partners,' our goal is to help leaders recognize their values and equip them with greater understanding, empathy, and a renewed commitment to inclusive and equitable practices. Our hope is to catalyze a ripple effect of action that positively impacts Boards, leadership teams, staff, and the communities we serve.


Thought Partner Solutions
Location #1
Thought Partners, LLC
Phone 860.910.3500